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  • Will maintaining my AC system according to manufacturer’s spec’s prevent the oil-based efficiency losses you are referring to?
    No, it will not. Regardless of how well you maintain your system, the fact is, there will always be oil from the compressor contaminating the rest of your system. A repair against this is still required.
  • Can a routine AC service prevent this type of efficiency loss?
    The sole problem that drives this efficiency loss occurs inside the sealed network of copper piping. Clogged oil is not something that can be prevented nor removed as part of a normal service unless your servicing technician includes EnviroTemp as part of it.
  • Does oil clogging happen to every reverse cycle system?
    Yes, regardless of what brand air conditioner you have, how much you paid for it, or how well you look after it, every time you use it - for heating or cooling - small quantities of oil circulate through the system clogging the pipe surfaces just a bit more.
  • What can happen if I don’t repair my system?
    An unrepaired system can underperform by 2-8 degrees which means it will use much more energy than necessary, take longer, and work harder to achieve your desired comfort level, have a shortened life span, could suddenly break down without warning, may suffer from greater wear are just some of the things that can happen.
  • Can’t I just set my temperature control 2o-8o degrees better instead of repairing my system?
    The temperature setting on your control panel does not dictate the temperature coming out of your air vents! The setting you have programmed into your controller is simply the desired temperature you want for your space. Changing your temperature setting by 2-8 degrees will have no effect on how quickly your desired comfort level is achieved but will have great effect on how much more energy your system will consume. Every degree of change on your temperature setting has a corresponding increase on energy used of about 10%.
  • Is the clogged oil damaging my system?
    Just like high cholesterol will damage our health over time, oil clogging will damage your AC system too, drive up energy consumption, lead to costly repairs and potentially a complete breakdown. EnviroTemp is a simple, cost effective repair that can easily help overcome these potential problems.
  • Is the clogged oil dirty, can it harm my system once it’s removed?"
    An air conditioning system is factory sealed, in most cases the oil in it has been there since the day it was manufactured just like the lubricating oil in your home refrigerator. Providing your system was professionally installed, the oil would be free from harmful contaminants. Once EnviroTemp dislodges the clogged oil, it will pass through the inline filter and circulate through the system as it should, providing protection for all moving parts.
  • My system is old, why bother repairing it with EnviroTemp?"
    Just because it may be old doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be efficient. If it’s still in good working order it has stood the test of time and could last even longer. Given its age, it may have already reached its maximum efficiency loss of 20%-30%, if so it has the potential to achieve better temperatures and energy savings for you.
  • What if my AC technician says I don’t need the repair?
    That would be an incorrect statement because the law of physics states oil will coat and protect metal, as such it will coat the heat-transfer surfaces therefore given oil is nonconductive it will insulate the refrigerant’s ability to efficiently transfer heat. Our on-the-spot guarantee protects you.
  • My AC technician says my system is no longer efficient, doesn’t meet today’s standards and recommends I should replace it with a new one, what should I do?"
    Today’s AC systems are much more efficient but just because your unit may be older doesn’t mean it can’t be more efficient too. EnviroTemp guarantees a 2-8 degree performance improvement or its free. As such, you have nothing to lose, if EnviroTemp can’t improve your systems efficiency you pay nothing for it. We are confident it will improve the efficiency, hence our guarantee. EnviroTemp could save you thousands on unit replacement.
  • Can you prove EnviroTemp has made my system more efficient?
    In most cases EnviroTemp can be proven to you on the spot, in front of your own eyes EnviroTemp has improved your systems efficiency by 2-8 degrees. If we can’t prove this, our guarantee is, you pay nothing for it. In extreme cases we may be unable to do so, if that’s the case we’ll let you know upfront.
  • Will I have to add more EnviroTemp next year, or in the future?"
    Absolutely not! EnviroTemp is a one-time repair. Once in your system it is there for life. There are no ongoing costs; you never need to top it up.
  • How will EnviroTemp’s 2o-8o degree temperature improvement benefit me?
    The temperature of the air coming out of your vents is the result of how energy-efficient your system is. EnviroTemp will improve the temperature your system can produce by 2o-8o. This means your system will not have to run as long to reach your desired comfort level. The less your system runs, the less energy you use!
  • My system is new, why do I need EnviroTemp?"
    Adding EnviroTemp early into your systems life will prevent inevitable oil-based costly efficiency losses. Most of our dealers offer EnviroTemp as an optional extra when purchasing a new AC system.
  • I have solar and battery back-up, do I still need EnviroTemp?"
    Having a solar and battery back-up doesn’t mean you are using less energy; it simply means your source of power is now being diverted from man-made to solar generated. An AC system with EnviroTemp means the most energy hungry appliance in the home, no longer uses as much energy as it once did. The result to you is, you can put more charge into your battery for overnight use, therefore better ensure you have adequate stored energy to meet your overnight needs.
  • Are there other products like EnviroTemp?
    EnviroTemp and its sister product CryoGenX (4th generation product AKA PermaFrost) is the only proprietary product backed by 4 separate patents. To our knowledge there are no other competitor proprietary products available. There are however copycat products that rely on expired patents or so-called trade secrets which reflect outdated technologies, none of which appear to have their own current patents.
  • If it’s so good, then why don’t the manufacturers install it from new?"
    EnviroTemp is a combination of repair and prevention. In the case of an existing system Envirotemp will repair the systems lost efficiency by removing the clogged oil. In the case of new systems EnviroTemp will prevent the build-up of oil from occurring therefore preventing oil based efficiency losses. As such this will extend the life of the equipment for several reasons such as reduced friction and reduced runtime. If one manufacturer decided to include EnviroTemp at the time of manufacturing, it would not only add to the costs but also extend the life of the unit beyond the normal running life of competitors units. This will cost the manufacturer future profits. Alternatively, the manufacturer could include EnviroTemp and simply charge more for the unit upfront, however in today’s highly competitive marketplace charging more is clearly not the preferred option.
  • Can using EnviroTemp void my warranty?
    Not at all. The Australian Consumer Law (ACL) prohibits any manufacturer from voiding a warranty just because a third-party product is used. If you choose to have EnviroTemp installed into your air conditioning system; your manufacturer cannot use this as a reason to void the warranty. Anyone who tells you this is breaching Australian Consumer Law and should be reported to the ACCC for appropriate action to be taken.
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